Monday 4 March 2013

Week 5

For this project, Sir recommended me to use PIC16F877A. Using USB ICSP PIC Programmer V2010 (UIC00B) and Enhanced 40 pins PIC Start-Up Kit (SK40C)

Figure 1 : PIC16F877A

Figure 2 : PIC16F877A Data Sheet

Figure 3 : UIC00B

UIC00B is designed to program popular Flash PIC Microcontroller which includes most of the PIC family. Besides 8bit, it can also program 16bit and 32bit PIC MCU. On board ICSP (In Circuit Serial Programming) connector offers flexible methods to load program.USB port is commonly available and widely used on Laptop and Desktop PC, thus is very convenient to use UIC00B. It offers reliable, high speed programming and free windows interface software.

Figure 4 : SK40C

SK40C  is a 40pin PIC microcontroller starter kit designed to offer a easy-to-start solution for PIC microcontroller user. This board comes with basic element for user to begin project development. 

Figure 5 : Example of Tutorial for PIC16F877

For PIC16F877A, UIC00B and SK40C, I need to install MPLAB IDE and PICkit software, to run the program. Then, I to try the SK40C 16F877A sample program, LED Blinking.I had learned that with the correct code, we can run the program. 

From the last meeting, Sir have explain about the program. First, we need to write a program in MPLAB IDE using C language. But for my first try, I used the sample program. Next, I run the program and verified. If the program is fail, we need to check the program and do some correction. If the program is successful, then we can import the program to PICkit software. Connect the UIC00B and SK40C. Before we import the hex file, we need to check the communication, whether the connection with the device are correct. If the connection with the device are right, then we can import the program. Next, run the program. Tadaaa..!! The LED BLINKING. Yeyyy..!!! 


For the next task, I need to try the PIC by using LCD (Liquid Crystal Display). Sir give a task to make a program that related to my project using the similar program. Examples, when we push the switch button (SW1), the LCD will show "RIGHT". When we push the switch button (SW2), the LCD will show "LEFT".


  1. Explain about what we have discussed in our last meeting.for example the LED program.explain a little bit about that and how u can use the program in your project to show that u get something from the discussion.

    1. Ok Sir. I will explain about what we had discuss last meeting. The LED program and also the program itself. Thank you Sir :))
